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Or become an AFFILIATE of our platform and you will benefit from commissions between 20 and 40% from the reference price of the subscriptions!

Affiliate commissions:
- 20% recurring registration fee
- 30% recurring commission when you have brought at least 10 customers
- 40% recurring commission when you have brought at least 50 customers

Recurring Commission: You earn every time the customer you bring pays their subscription. These commissions remain valid for the entire period of activity of the customer brought and cease once it is deactivated. 
If you have 10 customers brought with a monthly subscription you will earn approx. 14.7 Euro per month (30% recurring commission) / client. That means about 147 Euro / month or 1764 Euro / year (if they remain active for a year).
You can view these earnings at any time in your affiliate account.
